Day Six: God Crowns Man with Honor, Glory and Grace
何傑牧師Pastor Ho Kit
創世記Gen 1:24-31
何傑牧師Pastor Ho Kit
創世記Gen 1:24-31
何傑牧師Pastor HK
創世記 1:24-31
《God’s Creation Series》The 8th Sermon: Day 6
Pastor Ho Kit
Genesis 1:24-31
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
《God’s Creation Series》The 4th Sermon: Day 2
Pastor Ho Kit
Genesis 1:6-8; Psalms 19:1; Isaiah 40:12-13, 21-22
何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit
創世記 1:6-8
1. Separate the chaos and show mighty power
2. Create the sky canopy and open up living space
3. Conclusion: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim His Handiwork
《God’s Creation Series》The 2nd Sermon
Pastor Ho Kit
Genesis 1:1-10; Proverbs 8:23-31; Deuteronomy 32:10-11; Genesis 8:1, 11; Isaiah 61:1-3