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The Five Stages Of Becoming A Kingly Leader

經文:箴言 16 一. 知道人不過是人 v.1-6 To Know That Men Is Mere Mortal 1.連他的心、口、眼、謀算、行事都不由自己 Man can’t help with his mind, mouth, eyes, plans and doings 2.驕傲是目中無神、自以為神的蒙蔽,必然跌倒 Pride is a deception of Godless or taking himself as God they will surely fall 二. 作耶和華喜悅的人 v.7-9 To Become The Ones Pleasing the Lord 1.蒙耶和華喜悅的人,連使他的仇敵與他和好 The Ones Please the Lord, even His Enemies Make Peace with Him 2.蒙耶和華指引的人,必有路可行 The Ones Guided by the Lord will surely find The Way 三. 作代表神的王者 v.10-15 To Become A Kingly Representative of God 1.口中有神的話語,精準可靠,建立人 The lips of a king speak as an oracle, Just,Trustworthy and build people up […]

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