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Psalms 105

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Receive the Double Blessings of Jesus Among Us

領受耶穌的雙重祝福 Receive the Double Blessings of Jesus Among Us Verse: John 1:19-34 1. 聽,曠野的呼聲 v. 19-28 Listen, The Voice of Wilderness 2. 看,神的羔羊 v. 29-31 Behold, The Lamb of God 3. 看,聖靈如鴿子 v. 32-34 Behold, The Spirit Like a Dove


領受耶穌的雙重祝福 (約1:19-34) Receive the Double Blessings of Jesus Among Us   講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit 日期:2020.10.18 語系:粵(Cantonese)、普(Mandarin) 經文:約 John 1:19-34   聽,曠野的呼聲 v. 19-28 Listen, The Voice of Wilderness   看,神的羔羊 v. 29-31 Behold, The Lamb of God   看,聖靈如鴿子 v. 32-34 Behold, The Spirit Like a Dove

Receive the Double Blessings of Jesus Among Us

領受耶穌的雙重祝福 Receive the Double Blessings of Jesus Among Us   講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit 日期:2020.10.17 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:約 John 1:19-34   聽,曠野的呼聲 v. 19-28 Listen, The Voice of Wilderness   看,神的羔羊 v. 29-31 Behold, The Lamb of God   看,聖靈如鴿子 v. 32-34 Behold, The Spirit Like a Dove

Numbers 20

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French  

Deep Lament, Great Thanksgiving

至深呼喊,至大感恩! Deep Lament, Great Thanksgiving Verse: Romans 7:14-25 1. 罪,非我所明 v.14-17 Sin, Not that I Understand 2. 罪,非我所願 v.18-20 Sin, Not that I Want 3. 罪,非我能拒 v.21-23 Sin, Not that I Can Resist 4. 深深感謝神 v.24-25 Thanks be to God

Numbers 13

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Joel 3

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Joel 2

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Joel 1

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