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Overcome the Test of Separation

勝過分離的考驗 Overcome the Test of Separation (歌Song 2:8-3:5) 1. 忽來春天的邀約 (2:8-15) A Springtime Invitation 2. 回復內心的安穩 (2:16-17) A Secured Trust Restored 3. 午夜夢迴的尋找 (3:1-5) A Dream to Search the Beloved



I wait for my Beloved

《Song of Songs Series》Sermon 1
Pastor Ho Kit, C-mo Deborah Leung
Song of Songs 1:1-2:9

I wait for my Beloved

1. My Beloved, kiss me with many kisses
2. I am dark, but lovely
3. I love my Beloved only

Proverbs 1

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia

Isaiah 55

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia

Isaiah 50

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia

Isaiah 48

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia

Isaiah 46

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia

Isaiah 40

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia

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