Judges 14
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
知足、歡呼、再歡呼:因神以恩典為2022的冠冕 Satisfied and Rejoice, for God Crowns 2022 with Bountiful Goodness (詩篇Psalms 65) 一、知足:因神赦免我們的過犯 v.1-4 Satisfied: for God’s Bountiful Forgiveness 二、歡呼:神從波濤中拯救我們 v.5-8 Rejoice: for God’s Salvation in Roaring Seas 三、再歡呼:神降雨使大地豐收 v.9-13 Re-Rejoice: for God’s Abundent Showers of Blessing
1. Satisfied: for God’s Bountiful Forgiveness
2. Rejoice: for God’s Salvation in Roaring Seas
3. Re-Rejoice: for God’s Abundent Showers of Blessing
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia