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Romans 8

Bahasa Indonesia

Hosea 14

Bahasa Indonesia

Hosea 11

Bahasa Indonesia

Run straight home to the heavenly city

直奔回家天城路 Run straight home to the heavenly city (來Heb 12) 1. 仰望耶穌回家路 v.1-8 Look to Jesus on the way home 2. 挺起手腳來追上 v.12-17 Lift up hands and knees to catch up 3. 歡喜快樂登天城 v.22-29 Ascend to the heavenly city with happiness and joy


1. 仰望耶穌回家路
2. 挺起手腳來追上
3. 歡喜快樂登天城

Hosea 3

Bahasa Indonesia

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