I. You will drive out the giants because the consuming fire is ahead of you (v.1-5) II. You deserve death, but instead are surrounded by intercession (v.6-29) A. Constantly rebel (v.6-24) B. Moses’ intercession (v.25-29)
Praise the Lord Speaker: Pastor Deborah Tung Date:2018.05.12 Language:Mandarin、English Bible Verse:Psalms 113:1-9 A、God, you are high and high above all! v.1-6 B、God, Great is your loving kindness! v.7-9 1. Admit man is really low 2. Blessed with wealth, honor and life
A. Oh! What is greed? Wow! This is great! I like it!( Genesis 2:9) Put your heart there (1 Timothy 6:9) Want to possess more and more( Luke 12:15;) B. Ouch! Beware of greed! Lust of the flesh( Genesis 3:6A) Lust of the eyes (Genesis 3:6B) Pride of life( Genesis 3:6C, 3:5) C. Come! Overcome greed! Content with everything (Hebrews 13:5) Desire good works ( 1 Timothy 3:1)
Verse: Psalms 98 1. God’s hands gave us victory v.1-3 2. God lives among us as the King v.4-6 3. Our King judges the world v.7-9
Verse: Numbers 12:1-16 1. Jealousy manifested through slander (v.1-2) a. Legalistic mind (v.1) b. Strong ego (v.2) 2. A leader’s jealosy is fatal (v.4-16) a. God’s anger burns against you (v.4-9) b. Become leprous (v.10-12) c. God will put you to shame (v.13-14) d. Delay the whole camp (v.15-16) e. Not used by God anymore (Numbers 20:1) 3. Humble yourself and overcome jealousy (v.1-3)