夠了!不要再追債了! Enough! Stop collecting debts! 太Mat 18:21-35 一. 你欠更大的債,父神都免你 (v.21-27) However great your debt is, God pardons you 二. 你追更小的債,父神也追你(v.28-35) However small debt you collect, God collects yours
夠了!不要再追債了! Enough! Stop collecting debts! 太Mat 18:21-35 一. 你欠更大的債,父神都免你 (v.21-27) However great your debt is, God pardons you 二. 你追更小的債,父神也追你(v.28-35) However small debt you collect, God collects yours
Kotbah minggu ini. Pengkotbah :Pastor Deborah, Pastor Elaine Menyelamat ! Jangan lagi mengejar Hutang ! Matius 18:21-35 1. Kamu yang mengutang paling banyak, Allah Bapa juga melupakan. V. 21-27 2. Kamu mengejar Hutang yang paling kecil, Allah Bapa juga akan Mengejar Kamu. V. 28 – 35
夠了!不要再追債了! Enough! Stop collecting debts! 太Mat 18:21-35 一. 你欠更大的債,父神都免你 (v.21-27) However great your debt is, God pardons you 二. 你追更小的債,父神也追你(v.28-35) However small debt you collect, God collects yours
投資在天國 Invest in the Kingdom 經文:太Matt25:14–30 壹. 人人有本錢.Everyone has capital(25:14–15) 貳. 投資一定賺 Investment will profit(太25:16–18) 參. 將來要交帳 We must give account in the future(太25:19–30) 1.不要 比較 Don’t compare(太25:20–23) 2.不要 埋沒 Don’t hide it(太25:24–30) 1.你有什麼恩賜或才幹?你想如何用在神的國度? What gifts or talents do you have? How can you use it in God’s kingdom? 2.你最想擁有一項什麼新的恩賜或才幹?分享並代求 What new gifts or talent do you wish to have the most? Please share and pray about it 3.當你將恩賜或才幹投資在天國,十年後你渴望看見什麼景況? When you invest your gifts and talents in God’s kingdom, in ten years time what do you long to see the most as a result?
董帖心牧師 Pastor Deborah Tung
成為時代的守望者 Be the watchman of the time Bible Verses: Habakkuk 1 一、禱告再禱告 (v.1-4) Pray and pray again 二、神必行奇事 (v.5-17) God shall surely do wonders 1. 讓強暴懲治強暴 (v.5-11) Let the violent punish the violent 2. 我們必不致於死 (v.12-17) We shall not die
遍地啊,我們歸向神 All the earth, let us return to God 經文:提後2Ti 3:1-5,13; 箴Pro26:1-3,12; 瑪Mal 4:5-6; 箴Pro3:7-8; 代下2Ch 7:12-16 一、現今是遍地受咒詛的時刻 Now is the time the land is cursed (提後2Ti 3:1-5,13; 箴Pro26:1-3,12; 瑪Mal 4:5-6) 二、現今是遍地得醫治的時刻 Now is the time the land be healed (箴Pro3:7-8, 瑪Mal 4:5-6) 三、現今是遍地回轉尋求神的時刻 Now is the time all the earth returns and seeks God (代下2Ch 7:12-16)
全地要讚美耶和華! All the earth praise the Lord ! Verse: Psalms 138 一. 全心讚美耶和華 v.1-3 Praise the Lord with all our hearts 二. 列王都要讚美神 v.4-6 All kings shall praise the Lord 三. 神必看見施拯救 v.7-8 God will see and save us
活出聖潔生命 Live out a holy life Verse: Gal5:13-26 一. 愛心服事不為己 v.13-15 Serve with love selflessly 二. 當順著聖靈而行 v.16-26 Walk by the Spirit 1.脫離情慾的轄制 v.19-21 Free from the bondage of lust 2.滿有聖靈的果子 v.22-26 Have the fruit of the Spirit
天國的能力降臨 Come! Power of God’s Kingdom Verse: Mark 9:14-29 A. Reveal! Salvation of our mighty God (v.14-22) B. Receive! Believe and Pray (v.23-29) 1. Have faith (v.23-27) 2. Prayer and fasting (v.28-29)