放下血氣的憐憫 Put aside fleshly mercy 憐憫兩個字說出來很簡單,但應當怎樣行?今天帖心牧師會跟我們分享怎樣的憐憫才是合神心意! 經文:約拿書 Jonah 1:1-15, 4:10-11 一、血氣的憐憫,真不好(拿1:1-15) Fleshly mercy, really bad 自義:不給人機會悔改(v1-3) Self-righteousness: give people no chance to repent 蒙蔽:至死都不肯憐恤(v4-15) Deception: show no mercy even unto death 扭曲:心靈受傷無真理(賽10:5-6) Twistedness: emotionally hurt and know no Truth 二、屬神的憐憫,真完全 Godly mercy, truly perfect 360度整合(拿4:2;詩145:17) 360゚Integrated 涵蓋萬有(拿4:9-11) Cover all creation
你生命那一部份你希望在2021年中會得勝?What aspects of your life you want to see victory in 2021?
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回看2020 Looking back 2020 講員:董帖心牧師 Pastor Deborah Tung 日期:2020.12.26 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(English) 經文:詩篇 Psalms 20 一、看見艱難 看見神掌權(v1-5) Seeing hardship, seeing God reigns 二、艱難未停 禱告不止息(v6-9) Hardship has not ended, prayer never ceases
回看2020 Looking back 2020 經文:詩篇 Psalms 20 一、看見艱難 看見神掌權(v1-5) Seeing hardship, seeing God reigns 二、艱難未停 禱告不止息(v6-9) Hardship has not ended, prayer never ceases
回看2020 Looking back 2020 講員:董帖心牧師 Pastor Deborah Tung 日期:2020.12.26 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(English) 經文:詩篇 Psalms 20 一、看見艱難 看見神掌權(v1-5) Seeing hardship, seeing God reigns 二、艱難未停 禱告不止息(v6-9) Hardship has not ended, prayer never ceases
跟從神的話必見神蹟 Obey God’s Word, you shall see miracles 講員:董帖心牧師 Pastor Deborah 日期:2020.11.08 語系:粵(Cantonese)、普(Mandarin) 經文:約書亞記 Joshua 2:1-24 一、每一步都有神蹟(書2:1-14) Miracles in each step 二、被救者變拯救者(書2:15-21) The one being saved turned into savior 三、平安傳報好消息(書2:22-24) Safely returned with the good news
跟從神的話必見神蹟 Obey God’s Word, you shall see miracles 董帖心牧師 Pastor Deborah 約書亞記 Joshua 2:1-24 一、每一步都有神蹟(書2:1-14) Miracles in each step 二、被救者變拯救者(書2:15-21) The one being saved turned into savior 三、平安傳報好消息(書2:22-24) Safely returned with the good news