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Shall Not Envy (2)

Verse: Numbers 12:1-16 1. Jealousy manifested through slander (v.1-2) a. Legalistic mind (v.1) b. Strong ego (v.2) 2. A leader’s jealosy is fatal (v.4-16) a. God’s anger burns against you (v.4-9) b. Become leprous (v.10-12) c. God will put you to shame (v.13-14) d. Delay the whole camp (v.15-16) e. Not used by God anymore (Numbers 20:1) 3. Humble yourself and overcome jealousy (v.1-3)  

Non-stop Fighting, Non-stop Birthing

Verse: Matthew 28:1-20 1. Receive the Kingdom Life v.1-10 a. Live as the Lord has already risen v.1-6 b. Spread the news that the Lord has Risen v.7-10 2. Expose the enemy’s crafty scheme v.11-15 3. Give birth to the kingdom disciples v.16-20 a. Believe in the authority of the kingdom of heaven v.16-18 b. Rise up to disciple nations v.19-20a c. Remember that the Lord is present v.20b

Wonderful Counselor Designs Wonders

Verse: Isaiah 9:1-7 1. God promised a wonderful 2017 v.1 a. From distress to light b. From contempt to glory 2. Shall see wonderful victory v.2-5 a. Saw a great light v.2 b. Multiply and rejoice v.3 c. Yokes shattered v.4 d. Great victory v.5 3. God’s wonderful presence v.6-7 a. Five names v.6 b. His government shall be no end v.7

Sukkot Is Here!

Verse: Leviticus 23:35-43 A. Celebrate Sukkot to the Lord (Lev 23:35-43) 1. Rest and draw near to God (Lev 23:35, 36, 39) 2. Offer lots and lots (Lev 23:36-38; Num 29:12-16) a. According to your own ability b. According to the blessing you receive 3. Rejoice greatly (Lev 23:40; Deu 16:14) B. Keep the Sukkot for generations and be blessed greatly 1. God will deliver, and His Promises will be fulfilled (Lev 23:41-43) 2. Your harvest is blessed, the same for all your works (Deu 16:15)

Receiving Jesus

verse: Luke 10:38-42 A. Host Jesus at home (v.38) B. Accept Jesus in the heart (v.39-40) C. Having Jesus (v.40-42)

Healed by God, build whole whole family

verse: Colossians 3:18-20 A. Mistreatment from parents, life-long hurt to children (Col 3:21) 1. Emotional violence 2. Physical violence B. Healed by God, build whole whole family (Psa 42:5) 1. Exercise willpower (Psa 42:5b) a. God answers our plea (Mic 7:7) b. Delivered in love (Psa 33:22; Pro 20:22) c. Shame leaves (Psa 34:5) d. Exalted and victorious (Job 5:8-9, 11) e. Receive all goodness (Lam 3:25-26) 2. Praise and give thanks (Psa 42:5c)

 The First Church

A.Full of hard work and toil  v.1-3 1.Work hard  v.2a 2.Cannot tolerate wicked men  v.2b 3.Endure hardship  v.3 B.Restore the first love  v.4-6 1.Do not forsake your first love  v.4 2.Do your first works  v.5 3.Do not indulge in flesh  v.6 C.Heed and receive life  v.7 1.Hear what the Spirit says 2.Receive the fruit of life

The Son’s Three Petitions

verse: Matthew 6:9b-10 一. 兒子三求 v.11-13a The son’s three petitions 1.求賜餅 v.11; 6:31-34 Ask for bread 2.求赦免 v.12 Ask for forgiveness a. 先後 太Matt 6:14-15; 詩Psa 18:25-26 Priority b. 彼此 弗Eph 4:32 One another 3.求免試探 v.13a; 箴Pro 30:8-9 Ask for no temptation 二.兒子一心 The son’s one heart 1.與父的關係 Relationship with the Father 2.體貼父的心 Considerate of the Father’s heart 3.靠恩典祈求 Ask by Grace

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