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題目:Time to trust 患難中信靠神 Trust God during difficult times 經文:但以理書 Dan 3:8-30 講員:孫明真傳道 Pastor Esther 一) 目光專注仰望神 (V.8-12) Fix your eyes on God 二) 持續識神長信心 (V.13-18) Keep knowing God increase in faith 三) 神蹟同在被提升 (v.19-30) Miracles, God’s presence and promoted


患難中互相扶持成為安慰人的器皿 It’s time to help: helping each other in hard times and become a vessel that comforts 經文:林多後書一章1-6節 1 Corinthians 1:1-6 一.        站對你的位置V1-2 Stand on the right position v1-2 二.        摸著父神的心V3 Understand the heart of Father V3 三.        得著安慰秘技V4-6 Obtain ways to comfort V4-6

Time to see

Time to see 李浩然 Co-worker Tim 1. Time to open: 完全敞開,相信不放手 (詩13:1-2, 5-6; 88:13, 18) 2. Time to see: 困苦中看見神的心 (羅5:3-5) 人生育成四步曲 第一: 生忍耐 第二: 生老練 第三: 生盼望 第四: 更深領受神的愛


投資在天國 Invest in the Kingdom 經文:太Matt25:14–30 壹. 人人有本錢.Everyone has capital(25:14–15) 貳. 投資一定賺 Investment will profit(太25:16–18) 參. 將來要交帳 We must give account in the future(太25:19–30) 1.不要 比較 Don’t compare(太25:20–23) 2.不要 埋沒 Don’t hide it(太25:24–30) 1.你有什麼恩賜或才幹?你想如何用在神的國度? What gifts or talents do you have? How can you use it in God’s kingdom? 2.你最想擁有一項什麼新的恩賜或才幹?分享並代求 What new gifts or talent do you wish to have the most? Please share and pray about it 3.當你將恩賜或才幹投資在天國,十年後你渴望看見什麼景況? When you invest your gifts and talents in God’s kingdom, in ten years time what do you long to see the most as a result?


主題:你我都要得獎賞 You and I will receive reward 腓立比書Phil3:12-16 一.竭力向前一直跑 V.12-14 Press on, straining forward 二.凡事要合乎情理 V.15-16 All must be reasonable


講題:神揀你啦! God has chosen you! 經文:撒上1 Sam 16:6-7 一. 不憑外貌(撒上 1 Sam 16:6-7a) Not by appearance 二. 注重內在(撒上1 Sam 16:7b) Value what’s inside

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