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隔籬系列#2 Always by your side series#2 信息講題:回家不難 Coming home isn’t hard 創世記 Genesis 25:22, 27:8-10, 41-43, 29:16-20, 26-30, 31:3, 33:1-4 1. 因怨恨促成分裂 (創Gen 25:22, 27:8-10,41-43) Division caused by resentment 2. 因離家重擔纍纍 (創Gen 29:16-20, 26-30) Burdens increased due to leaving home 3. 因回家得著祝福 (創Gen 31:3, 33:1-4) Returning home and be Blessed

有管教 有界線

隔籬系列#1︰爸媽在隔籬👩🏻👨🏻 Always by your side series#1 Dad and Mom are by your side 信息講題:有管教 有界線 To be disciplined To set boundaries 箴言 Proverbs 19:18 22:15、23:13-14 來 Hebrew 12:11 歌羅西書 Colossians 3:20-21 以弗所書 Ephesians 6:1-4 1. 管教是必須的 (箴Prov 19:18 22:15、23:13-14;來Heb12:11) Discipline is necessary 2. 從神而來的界線 (西Col 3:20-21;弗Eph 6:1-4) Boundaries come from God


你相信嗎系列#2:「自由」 Do you believe series#2 “Freedom” 真。自由 (約翰福音 John 8:3-12) True Freedom 1. 人的眼光失自由(v3-5) Freedom is lost when see with man’s eyes 2. 神的眼光得自由(v10-12) Freedom is gained when see with God’s eyes


你相信嗎系列#1:「習慣說」 Do you believe series#1 “Habitual words” Reborn! 由聖靈開始 (約翰福音 John 3:1-12) Reborn! From the Holy Spirit 1. No reborn: 信仰留在頭腦上 (v1-3) No reborn: Your faith is just in your head 2. Reborn由聖靈而生 (v4-8) Reborn from the Holy Spirit 3. 一切從相信開始 (v 9-12) It all begins with believing


有愛有信任 More Love , Move Trust 創 22:1-14 Gen 22:1-14 1. 對權柄有信任V1-10 More Trust to Authorities 2. 對孩子要有愛V11-14 More Love to Children


家庭解憂師 瑪拉基書4:5-6 約一4:18 1.係時候U turn(瑪拉基書4:5-6) 2.原來出路是愛(約一4:18)

爸爸 好、好、好

爸爸 好、好、好 經文:路 11:9-13 1. 爸爸不是 ATM, 爸爸是供應者 路11:9-10 2. 爸爸的心是好的 路11:11-12 3. 天父必幫助你 [爸爸]做最好的爸爸 路11:13


如何獻上平安祭 How to offer peace offering 利Lev7:11-16,19-21、民Num10:10、申Deut27:7 一. 開心感恩 民Num10:10、申Deut27:7 Give thanks joyfully 二. 全然獻上 利Lev7:11-16、7:19-21 Offer completely


青牧家庭事務所 第一講:生命園藝師🌿🌿 信息講題:我家也有生命樹 There is tree of life at my home too 1. 揮出柔和的寶劍 v1-2 Wield the sword of tenderness 2. 天父住在我家中 v3 Father lives in my home 3. 粉碎家中的歪理 v4 Scatter distorted truth in family 問題與討論 Discussion question 1. 請分享平時你與父母溝通互動的日常及溝通中最困難的部分 Please share what are the hardest areas in  your day to day communication with your parents. 2. 你認識你的父母嗎? 請介紹你眼中的父母(例如:個性、優點、專長、、),並說出欣賞父母的地方 Do you know your parents? Please share about how they are in your perspective (e.g. personally, strengths, good at, etc.) Share what you like about them 3. 請組長祝福組員回答柔和並有溫良的舌 Cell leader please bless the members to have a good and gentle […]

It’s time to stand firm

It’s time to stand firm 周亦駿族長 MG leader Joash 1. 站在對的位置 Stand in the right spot (但 Dan 1:8-9) 2. 堅持對的行動 Hold on to the right actions (但 Dan 2:11-12,17-18, 6:7,9-10,23) 3. 聆聽對的聲音 Listen to the right voice (但 Dan 1:21,2:19,7:1,9:1,10:1)

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