一. 禱告 . 我父為王 A. Pray. My Lord Father Reigns.;二. 敬拜 . 尊神為聖 B. Worship. Hallowed be Your Name.
1. 神的名,大於人理解;2. 呼求神的名,帶下神同在
耶穌看世界 #3 戰亂 掂啦!找到終極和平方案 Oh yeah! We got the ultimate solution for peace! 講員:何春卉傳道 Pastor Stella Ho 經文:約John 14:27 有種平安叫耶穌給你的平安 There’s a peace called peace from Jesus 有種平安叫終極的平安 There’s a peace called the ultimate peace 【討論題目 Questions for Discussion】 你有沒有留意戰爭的新聞?近來看到那個新聞? Did you pay attention to the news of war? What’s a war news you read recently? 你有為世界的紛爭禱告嗎? Did you ever pray for the conflicts of the world?”
一、不放棄有憐憫 (v1-3);二、連結神得果子 (v4-5);三、得滿足榮耀神 (v8)
耶穌看世界 #2 兒童權益 See the world with Jesus: Children’s rights 講題: 做在最小的身上,就是做在主身上 Topic: Do for one of the Least, Do for Jesus 經文Scripture:馬太福音 Matthew 25:31-40, 5:7 【大綱Outline】 一 服侍最小的,得著最大的【太25:31-40】 Do for one of the least, take the most (Matthew 25:31-40) 二 願去憐恤人,定必蒙憐恤【太5:7】 The merciful one will be shown mercy(Matthew 5:7) 【討論題目Questions for Discussion】 你曾經有幫助過兒童嗎?是分享經驗。 Have you ever helped children? Share your experience? 你有沒有感動為分堂國家的兒童禱告?鼓勵你在小組可以分享感動。 Do you have a burden to pray for the children from the countries of the branch churches? Share your burden with your cell group.
這星期我們探討如何不把神當成偶像,讓我們與神的關係更健康 This week we will talk about how not to idolize God so our relationship with Him will be healthier.