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為什麼神不出手?Why didn’t God do something?   一、我被賣被屈,為什麼神不出手?I was sold and falsely accused, why didn’t God do something? 創世記 Genesis 37:26-28   二、該賞反遭害,為什麼神不出手?I should be rewarded but suffered instead, why didn’t God do something? 以斯帖記 Esther 2:21-23   三、我為主受難,為什麼神不出手?I suffered for the Lord, why didn’t God do something?  使徒行傳 Acts 6:8, 10, 7:54-60


為什麼努力仍不成功? Why I worked so hard but still do not succeed?   一. 你要有真努力 (箴言Prov 14:23, 12:24) You need to work real hard   二. 要得著權柄及配偶的祝福 (箴言Prov 12:15) You need the blessings of your authority and spouse   三. 等候神美好的時機 (傳道書Ecc 3:1, 11-14) Wait for God’s beautiful timing


神大軍!你現在到底在幹嘛? God’s great army! What are you doing?   一. 事奉神必被記念 Those who serve the Lord will be remembered (民Num 33:1–4a、38–39)   二. 偶像一定要除滅 Those who worship idols will be destroyed (民Num 33:4b、50–52)   三. 順逆境只是過程 The ups and downs are just a process (民Num 33:9、14)


等候耶和華的必然蒙福 Those who wait upon the Lord will be blessed   經文:詩Psalms 40:1-10   一、要等候、等候耶和華 Wait, wait for the Lord(v1-3)   二、要倚靠、倚靠耶和華 Trust, trust in the Lord(v4-8)   三、要不斷讃美耶和華 Keep on praising the Lord(v9-10)


你好我好,關係好? You’re good, I’m good, our relationship’s good?   (一) 勇敢撞擊~堅啊! (11:27,12:1) Bravely challenge~so true!   (二)    撞出關係~真啊!  (V13-14,24-25) Relationships built through challenges~so real!


牧養建立真兒子 Discipleship raise true sons   一,為父的牧養 Disciple as a father 1.滿有憐憫 – Full of Mercy 2.欣賞Being – Value being 3.愛與信任 – More love more trust   二,真心作兒子 Be true sons 對齊殷勤受教 – Be diligent and teachable 感恩領受託付 – Give thanks for receiving what is entrusted 除去世俗比較 Get rid of godless competition


講題:得著以利亞的外袍(王上19:15-21) Receive the mantle of Elijah   相信神的呼召 (王上19:15-19) Believe God’s calling   為神甘心放下(王上19:19-20) Willingly lay down for God   謙卑跟隨到底(王上19:21) Humbly follow till the end


講題:進入屬天避風港(詩27:9-14)   1.尋求父的保護27:9-12 2.相信父的恩惠27:13 3.等候父的應允27:14


講題:移民新國度 (太Matt 6:25、27、31-33) Immigrate to the new kingdom   留在憂慮非出路(太Matt 6:25、27) Remaining in worries is not a way out   移民天國為上策(太Matt 6:31-33) Better to immigrate to the Kingdom)

走出壓抑,shall we talk?

講題:走出壓抑,shall we talk? Walk out from suppression, shall we talk? (撒上1 Sam 1:1-18) 一. 有口難言,愁眉苦臉!(v1-9) Grief indescribable, such a long face! 二. 傾心吐意,眉開眼笑!(v10-18) Speak your mind, radiate with smiles! A. 對神不壓抑 Don’t be suppressed before God B. 對人要表達 Express yourself to people

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