殷勤自律 遇見更好的自己
出20: 15、弗4:28
出20: 15、弗4:28
Tim Li
1 Corinthians 12:12-31, 13:1- 3
律法與先知的總綱就是生命樹 The summary of the Law and the Prophets is Tree of Life 何傑牧師 Pastor HK 太Mat 22:34-40 一. 哪一條是最大的誡命 v.34-36 Which is the greatest commandment in the law 二. 愛主你的神和愛人如己 v.37-39 Love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself 三. 律法和先知的總綱就是耶穌 v.40 The summary of the Law and the Prophets is Jesus
約伯記 1:1-5, 42:10-17
路Luk 15:25-32
1. Holding onto fear brings disintegration (17:10-11)
2. Victory over fear belongs to God (17:33-37, 45, 47)
讓我們聽聽鏗鏗哥哥怎樣在「try」裡面經歷神的愛,多方面發揮 being!
一. RAW出真Being
二. 心版十誡對正神
三. 一同喜樂好滿足