High or Low Scores? All It Matters is being Faithful!

經文︰太Mat 25:14​-30

1. 有才幹就要用到盡! (v14-18)
Use talents to the fullest!

2. 盡心嘗試,實有賞賜! (v19-23)
Try your best and God will surely reward you

3. 越盡心的就越有餘! (v24-30)
The more you try, the more you receive!


1) 你認為自己在學業上有幾多斤両?你有沒有把它們用盡?
How much talent do you think you have in studying? Have you used them to the fullest yet?

2) 在學業上有沒有一些片段令你很失望沮喪?是分享。
Is there any moment in your study that really frustrates or disappoints you? Let’s share them.