偶像你真狡猾, 老是常出現
Cunning idols, always show up

講員:李浩然同工 Co-worker Tim Li

1. 老是常出現的根源
The root of always showing up

A: 人是看見才有安全感的視覺動物 (創世紀Gen 28:13​-15, 20-22)
People are visual animals who draws security from seeing

B: 心靈空虛, 越填越虛 (創世紀Gen 29: 16-18, 20-21)
The void in our souls get emptier as we fill it

2. 捉緊祝福源頭, 讓它永遠不出現 (創Gen 32:24​-29)
Idols disappear by holding on to the source of blessings