享受與神的family day
Enjoy family day with God

經文:創2:1-3; 出Exo20:11;出Exo23:2, 20:8;賽Isa 58:13-14


(一)與神約定 進入神的節奏 (出Exo20:11)
Having a date with God to enter the rhythm of God

(二)與神連結 領受神的祝福 (出Exo23:2, 20:8;賽Isa 58:13-14)
Connect with God and receive His blessings

【討論問題 Questions for Discussion】

  1. 檢視一下自己的時間表,你有沒有哪些節奏出現了混亂?
    When you review your schedule, do you feel your rhythm is not working well?
  2. 神期望我們把安息日獻給祂,你會有什麼行動回應神?
    God wishes us to dedicate our day of Sabath to him, what action should we take to response to God?