The heavenly plan to be financially blessed

周亦駿傳道 Pastor Joash
出 Exodus 20:17

引言 Intro
一、勤積蓄,動機要對 (箴 Proverbs 21:20,13:11,路 Luke 12:19-21)
Save with the right motives

二、不憂慮,次序要對 (路Luke 12:22,29-31)
Not to worry and prioritize correctly

三、樂奉獻,你發達啦 (路 Luke 12:33-34,瑪 Mal 3:10)
Glad to offer and you will be blessed

The heavenly plan to be financially blessed

Pastor Joash
Exodus 20:17


1. Save with the right motives (Proverbs 21:20, 13:11; Luke 12:19-21)

2. Not to worry and prioritize correctly (Luke 12:22, 29-31)

3.Glad to offer and you will be blessed (Luke 12:33-34, Mal 3:10)