
Jehoshua 2022

Pastor Joshua Cheung
Psalm 22

1. In disgrace, trust upon trust that God has been my God (v.1-10)

2.  In distress, trust upon trust that God has already seen (v.11-21)

3. We shall praise with all the earth, for God has already saved! (v.22-31)


Jehoshua 2022

張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung
詩篇 Psalm 22

1. 羞辱中倚靠再倚靠,神是我的神 (v.1-10)
In disgrace, trust upon trust that God has been my God

2. 急難中倚靠再倚靠,神已經看見 (v.11-21)
In distress, trust upon trust that God has already seen

3. 我們和全地要讚美,神已拯救了!(v.22-31)
We shall praise with all the earth, for God has already saved!