Brace the Wave of Spirit-led Revival
何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit
以賽亞書 Isaiah 61
ㄧ、聖靈向僕人開啟使命經文 (有聖靈有聖經): v.1-3
1. The Holy Spirit opens the missional scriptures to the servants (Spirit brings Scripture)
二、聖靈建造聖潔的祭司群體 (有聖靈有聖潔)v.4-7
2. The Holy Spirit builds a holy priestly community (Spirit brings sanctification)
三、聖靈帶來萬民讚美如百穀發芽 (有聖靈有聖工) v.8-11
3. The Holy Spirit causes praises from all nations like grains sprouting up (Spirit brings service)