
Acceptable 2019

張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung
詩篇 Psalm 19

1. Heavens proclaim God’s favor (v.1-6)
A. A silent voice declares God’s presence   (v.1-4a)
B. An unceasing action releases the life force  (v.4b-6)

2. The Word of God helps people to be accepted  (v.7-10)
A. The Word of God is the most vibrant  (v.7-9)
B. The Word of God is most precious  (v.10)

3. It is God who makes man totally acceptable  (v.11-14)
A. Man is unable not to sin  (v.11-12a)
B. Only by God’s grace man can be acceptable  (v.12b-14)