
Ascending 2023

Pastor Joshua Cheung
Psalms 47

1. The King of all the earth tells us to ascend (Psalms 47:1-4; Genesis 12:1-4)

2. The King of all the earth has ascended to the throne (Psalms 47:5-7; Isaiah 52:7)

3. The kings of the nations are shields, and God is greatly exalted (Psalms 47:8-9)


耶和華上升 Ascending 2023

張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung
詩篇 Psalms 47

1、全地的王叫我們上升(詩篇 47:1-4; 創世記 12:1-4)
The King of all the earth tells us to ascend

2、全地的王已升上寶座(詩篇 47:5-7; 以賽亞書 52:7)
The King of all the earth has ascended to the throne

3、列邦君王作盾牌,神成為至高 (詩篇 47:8-9)
The kings of the nations are shields, and God is greatly exalted