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9 June (Sun) Prayer Direction

Today is the Pentecost. May a double portion of the Spirit, which was poured upon the early churches, be poured onto the churches in the end time! So, churches are willing to align with the season that God works, offering the first fruits and receiving all the blessings by observing His feasts.

8 June (Sat) Prayer Direction

The Church rises up to equip believers: May God raise up teacher’s team who highly regards His Words and devotes themselves to the public reading of Scripture,

6 June (Thu) Prayer Direction

For the Elites of the community to know God: O risen Lord, you had appeared to the apostles for forty days and talked to them about the Kingdom of God.

4 June (Tue) Prayer Direction

The Church has the spirit of discernment: O Lord, thank you for reminding us not to believe in every spirit, …

3 June (Mon) Prayer Direction

Pray for those under persecution: O Lord, may you have grace, mercy and protection for those under persecution, as trouble cannot separate them from the love of Christ …

2 June (Sun) Prayer Direction

Always have a grateful heart: O Lord, thank you for the MG12 discipleship structure, with cell leader’s discipleship, our lives can grow up healthily.

31 May (Fri) Prayer Direction

Pray for the church going into the marketplace: Paul weaved tents and preached at the same time, setting a precedent for marketplace ministry.

30 May (Thu) Prayer Direction

Salvation and return of the Jews: O Lord, may you move the Jews to envy that they can enjoy the benefits from the Gospel with churches.

29 May (Wed) Prayer Direction

Church puts emphasis on prayer ministry: O Lord, you have promised that if the people, who are called by your name, will humble themselves and pray and seek your face and turn from their wicked ways,

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