Thank God that He visited me in a bright cloud a while back. Reminded that after God had visited Sarah, she conceived and bore a son, I began to wonder what would happen after God’s visitation to me? When I asked God during my prayer in the spirit, He showed me the key of the kingdom of the heavens. I believe what He has given me is the authority of the kingdom of the heavens.
In the past, Jesus came to the earth. His ministry was to bring the kingdom of the heavens to the earth and to wage war against the kingdom of darkness on earth with the ultimate goal to drive out the kingdom of Satan completely. In this battle of the end times, the key of the kingdom of the heavens is of high importance to us.
Jesus said: “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:18-19)
The Godly world-view includes the realms of spirit, man and nature. Standing between the spiritual realm and the physical one, man is able to influence both. The key of the kingdom of the heavens is for real. When we pray in faith, whatever we bind God will bind for us, and whatever we loose God will loose for us!
When we wage war against the power of Hades, we can only do so by the power of God and not our flesh. It is especially true as we are involved in the end-times battles; we are facing many hardships, including the ever-changing world situations and the attacks of the pandemic. We must take up the key of the kingdom of the heavens and exercise the authority of prayer. The moment I received the key of the kingdom of the heavens, I asked God to allow me to experience such authority. God is real and He heard my prayers.
Let me give you an example: My house is by the seaside and water tends to accumulate after heavy rainfall. One day the water level was raised after heavy rain, so I commanded the water to recede. Unexpectedly when I returned there a little while later, the water level indeed had gone down. Another example was about the daughter of my disciples Basil and Ruby who had lost her purse on the minibus. Once again I took up the key of the kingdom of the heavens and prayed to God to return to pursue to her. Several days later someone called and told us where the purse was.
Dear brothers and sisters, God has given us the key of the kingdom of the heavens so that in the end times, we shall be of more authority and power. Therefore we must exercise the authority of prayer in faith and God will surely hear our prayers.•[2020.07.05]