Continuing from the previous issue, C-Mo shared what our church had gained since entering the flow of sin confession:
“The Holy Spirit continued to lead us into another wave of sin confession. Recently, the church published our first picture book, Esther. As led by God, we brought along this picture book to celebrate Purim. We had printed 2,000 copies, and later we discovered that some tribes could not place orders – 2,000 was not enough stock! We could have resolved this problem by printing more copies, but Pastor and I received God’s word: “no more printing.” After making this decision, we discovered the blessing in not printing more copies: revealing the true selves in the hearts of our people. Some thought it did not matter: even if they couldn’t place orders, surely Pastor and C-mo would make a way for them, right? Others even grumbled, feeling that they were treated unfairly in being unable to place orders. Those who were with the book would face a test, and those without would face greater tests. Will we respond in the way of the Tree of Life, or will we respond in the way of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? It is easy for man to take grace for granted – if they do not receive grace, they will become upset in their hearts.
“God said to me, ‘Work with Me’”. I communicated with the MG leaders who had successfully placed orders for the picture books. They led by example, and they encouraged their disciples and cell members to spare books out of their orders for the other tribes which did not have books. This was a beautiful result – not that the cake was big enough to share with others and to give the leftovers to Pastor and C-mo – but that we all learned to share and to care for one another, bringing the miracle of “five loaves and two fish” to life in our midst! God not only provided us the picture book to celebrate Purim, but also to reflect on our true selves. When we humble ourselves and confess our sins, we will see our true selves; when we see more of our true selves, we can confess more of our sins to God.” (to be continued)•[2020.04.12]