
《Tree of Life Church Series》5
Spirit-filled tree of life church – Sardis

Verse: Revelation 3:1-6

A. Reject false religion (v.1-3)
1. Walk blamelessly (v.1-2b)
2. Be watchful in prayer (v.2a-3)

B. Submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit (v.4-6)
1. Live out holiness (v.3-5)
2. Walk with the Lord (v.4; 19:14)


經文:啟示錄 3:1-6

一、拒絕虛假的信仰 (v.1-3)
1. 行為完全 (v.1-2b)
2. 警醒禱告 (v.2a-3)

二、順服聖靈的引導 (v.4-6)
1.活出聖潔 (v.3-5)
2.與主同行 (v.4; 19:14)