Praise God, 611 Bread of Life Church shall shortly turn 18! Entering adulthood, she shall enter a new stage.
Celebrating our 18th Church Anniversary, we see that our heavenly Father is doing two things. Firstly: the clock has started ticking for “Planting Trees of Life everywhere in 52 Years.” This year’s anniversary celebration happens to fall during our time of “rest”: therefore, prayer and worship are our focus. Pastor Dick Eastman and his team from “Every Home for Christ International” were invited to lead the Kingdom Worship Conference. We celebrate our anniversary in this mode of rest, because our heavenly Father clearly shows us that strength can be gained only in rest “and know that I am God”. (Ps 46:10) Only then shall the mission of “Planting Trees of Life everywhere in 52 Years” take off.
Secondly: by clearer revelation from the Holy Spirit, the 611 Tree of Life vision is materialized better, and the revelation of the Church being the Tree of Life is further enriched. More insights are given to us from the Bible. For instance, the mystery of the seven stars in chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation, as well as the picture of Tree of Life described in chapter 22 of Revelation, stand out more distinctly. These do not stay as head knowledge only: in the church staff’s relationships, the comprehension of the Tree of Life matures. The Tree of Life grows into better shape and its branches are growing thicker, getting ready to grow out to all the earth.
It has been 18 years of 611 history; we shall be greatly thankful to see this Tree of Life growing vigorously. For the upcoming many meetings, like putting on a new dress and reaching a new milestone, “Tree of Life” is the main theme through and through. Network Conference, Couple’s Camp, and publishing new books are activities part of the Tree of Life series. We have returned from the “Heart and Ball” and “One-husband-one-wife Pastor Couples’ Camp” held in Malaysia, where we were well delighted to see the Tree of Life big family warming up. Worshipping and playing basketball together, members from branch churches built and enjoyed relationship through exchanging techniques and receiving revelations from the Holy Spirit at night.
On our last night in Kuching, we all witnessed the vision of an “eagle” appearing in the sky. Immediately I received the verses that our heavenly Father has carried us on eagles’ wings and brought us to be for Him a kingdom of priests (Exodus 19:4,6). There and then came thunder: a sign to us from our heavenly Father! A kingdom of priests is a kingdom of Trees of Life, and it is to proclaim to all the earth, teaching peoples. It is to live out theTree of Life, bringing transformation to the world.
Dear brothers and sisters, we are an adult at the age of 18. It is time to rise up and submit wholeheartedly to the leading of the Holy Spirit and closely follow the steps of Christ, undertaking the mission from our heavenly Father. As we offer ourselves wholly to become, live out, and further plant Tree of Life: we will surely experience the wonderful richness given by God.• [2019.05.12]