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Seeing • Following

Last Tuesday C-Mo and I came back from Belgium, as our 10-day Europe trip ended. Upon returning, we learn that cell groups of different pastoral zones have fervently devoted to various evangelistic activities, bringing over 270 people to Christ. Moreover close to 300 people have signed up for the beach baptism and 24 branch churches shall hold beach baptism on the same day. Praise the Lord that everybody is taking up the sickle to harvest for the Lord!

The Europe trip was truly an eye-opener for us to “see” that the vision of Planting Trees of Life in 52 years shall extend from Asia to Europe. Our first stop was Belgium, direct flight from Hong Kong to Belgium only started in March, taking us directly to Brussel where the Headquarters of the European Union sit. Afterwards, we visited Antwerp, the second largest city in the Northern Belgium and the renowned diamond capital of the world. There is a diamond street where most jewellers are Jews and hence we see their needs. The main religion in Belgium is Catholicism, Christian churches are few and far between, therefore, it desperately needs us to plant Trees of Life there.

Passing the Channel Tunnel, we arrived at London, and were greeted with double-deck buses which made us feel at home. Standing before the official residence of the British Prime Minister, No 10 Downing Street, we reminisced the greatly influential ex-prime minister, Margaret Thatcher and also prayed for the youth in Hong Kong, asking God to raise up young political leaders. Hong Kong people are rather familiar with Britain, rendering a suitable place to plant Trees of Life.

Next stop was Paris, the capital of France where we toured the Elysee Palace and spent the night exploring the bustling city of people from different nations including the Middle East. We are prompted to plant Trees of Life in this French-speaking zone, setting up French-speaking and English-speaking branch churches in order to win over people of all nations.

This trip reminds me of my prayer in Pastor Nathanial Zhou’s home back in 2000, when I asked God where I should serve Him. Showing me the Great Commission in Matthew 28, He told me to go and make disciples of “all nations”, and not just the Chinese. Coincidentally, the vision of Rev. Timothy Zhao of Ling Liang World-Wide Evangelistic Mission was to make disciples of “all nations”. This trip boosts my passion of reaching and pastoring the English and French speakers.

The journey ended on Wednesday morning and we arrived in church just in time for morning devotion when we read Mark 10, seeing Jesus resolutely went up to Jerusalem to bring down the Kingdom of God. On the way to the Cross, He kept inviting people to follow Him. However, many were unwilling to give up their wealth and selfish desires and were unable to follow the Lord. The blind Bartimaeus alone cried out loud to Jesus, “I want to see!” “See” means “look up” here and Jesus healed him right away. “Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.”

As we can see, we can follow! Dear brothers and sisters, when we see what God wants to do, we have to lay down what we deem important, overcome all obstacles, put God first and follow Him in faith. This Europe trip was a “journey of seeing”, God is going to work in Europe, we shall look up, follow in faith and accomplish God’s Will of planting Trees of Life in this generation. • [2018.08.26]