
Verse: 1Co 1 :18-2:16

一. 神智慧的揀選 林前1Co 1:18-31
God’s choice of wisdom
1.十字架是愛 v.18-25
The cross is love
2.神用大智慧揀選愚拙的 v.26-31
God chooses those who are foolish with His great wisdom
二.看神的大能 林前1Co 2:1-5
Witness the power of God
三.屬靈人看透萬事 林前1Co 2:6-16
The spiritual man makes judgements about all things
1.神奧秘的智慧 v.6-9
God’s mysterious Wisdom
2.有聖靈指教 v.10-16
Taught by the Holy Spirit