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Sadness to Joy Defeat into Victory ANEW Sunday Purim Celebration

“Acceptable 2019”, ANEW finds great “Acceptance” from God as we pulled off a musical for the very first time! The cast and crew were thrilled to bits to celebrate the Purim through the musical. The team was indeed of all nations, including members from Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, Japan and Hong Kong. English was not our first language and yet everyone willingly and happily put in their best.

The Japanese brother didn’t expect to play a role. But as he did, he thoroughly enjoyed it!

With only three rehearsals before the actual performance, everyone was largely thankful to be able to take part in it and celebrate Purim as a day of feasting and joy as the Words of God command us!

All Glory be to our God and may ANEW find His “Acceptance” always! • [2019.03.31]