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Two Generations Walking together and Being Launched by God

In Launch 2025, I am thankful to see the young generation under the Tree of Life being launched on God’s track and two generations following God!

The son of our co-worker Yingmei, Koma joined our Bible School this January. He was planning to move to Japan in March, so he visited Switzerland with his wife before the move. On their way back to Hong Kong, they ran into the prayer-walk team I led at the airport. There and then we learned of their plan of migrating to Japan and we blessed them. That flight was full and we sat right next to this couple. Hence I knew God wanted to call them to lay aside their plans and join our Bible School. Looking back on all the signs and praying hard, they decided to respond to the calling to be equipped as Trees of Life. Maybe someday, God will use them to plant Trees of Life in Japan.

I am thankful that Koma responded in faith. Moreover, I thank God for Yingmei who has faithfully followed God for many years. Ever since 2003, she has committed to discipleship. As a single mother, she raised two sons: Everything she has received in church she shares with her sons and she offers up her son in submission. Moreover, she diligently teaches her kids to pray. Her two sons have experienced how real their faith is. She even teaches them to get ready for God’s calling. Hence when God’s calling came, Koma seriously responded.

Likewise, I am thankful for Yushan, the senior pastor of Glory 611, and her son Doulos. Yushan has served God with us shoulder and shoulder for many years. Though she has faced difficulty in marriage, her heart to serve God never wavers. Her life is a great impact on Doulous who has decided to serve God full-time since young. Later on, he was afraid that he would be poor and wouldn’t find another half if he served God full-time. God moved C-Mo and Ps Anton Cruz to remind his heart time and time again. In the end, he decided to quit the teaching job and join the Bible School. One year later, not only did he meet his other half, but they also fixed the wedding date. He who has watched his mother serving God since young is now serving God with his fiancee, two generations are walking together!

Dear brothers and sisters, when you follow God, do not worry about money because God will surely provide. When we are willing to follow God, the next generation shall follow as well. I know God has entrusted us much which is not just for one generation, but one after the other. Almost 120 youths offered themselves to God during the Kuching Youth Conference last year. In 2025, I believe one after the other generation shall be launched on God’s track by God. They shall also inherit the land! Bless you all!■【2025.02.16】

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