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The Tree of Life went through transformation with resilence

After a five-year hiatus, 611 reconvened the “Call to All” gathering. During the time of the Hong Kong social movement and the pandemic , the Tree of Life had undergone significant changes, akin to the transformative journey of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Despite the challenging wait, the tree managed to overcome obstacles by drawing strength from a vibe of love and trust, relying on the guidance of the Lord. As a result, its resilience and ability to endure have been enhanced.


Don’t Be Helicopter Parents
As young couples become new parents, they often fall into the trap of being overly child-centered due to worldly pressures. Read more
The Tree of Life Lands in Taiwan
Now, the Tree of Life has taken root in Taiwan, continuously spreading its breath and essence. The Tree of Life, planted by God, is being recognized by many, bringing glory to Him! Read more
Being authentic and transparent, Opening up one’s life
Reflecting on Effortless 2024, we see many individuals breaking free from rigid norms and patterns, embracing more genuine, integrated, and liberated lives. Read more