It’s been six years since we last organized a large-scale conference and during these years we went through the social movement and the pandemic. In the Tree of Life Heartified Commandments Worship Conference that began on November 1, God had gathered a total of 2,400 people from 36 churches of 12 countries and regions and I see that God’s will of planting Trees of Life everywhere is beginning to be fulfilled.
Many branch churches joined with a great longing for God. The Kuching conference we held three months ago was not satisfying them. This time they brought along even more coworkers and brothers and sisters. Our GA611 branch from Kuala Lumper, Malaysia brought more than 40 co-workers. Together with their brothers and sisters, and people of branch churches from Singapore, Thailand and India, more than two hundred joined. The Taiwan branches, who did not attend the Kuching Conference, participated eagerly this time. More than 80 co-workers and brothers and sisters from Taipei 611 came and seven other churches from Taiwan joined for the first time. They follow me to follow God together and shared on-stage the breakthroughs and thanksgivings in their lives. This is a milestone of 611. How wonderful it is that nations are following God with one heart!
Maricar, the Senior Pastor of our Manila branch in the Philippines brought almost half of their congregations to Hong Kong. They were all self-financed which was not easy for them. The young and single Maricar has faced numerous challenges since she was sent to establish the Manila branch in 2018. When she heard that a glorious church began with the couples’ relationship, she was filled with self-pity and discontent and felt powerless in discipling couples. Gradually she became ministryoriented and kept doing things.
She prepared for the morning devotion at six o’clock each day and worked until night. She felt emptier and emptier as she was doing more and more. She managed to get over the toughest period of the pandemic and five years later when she returned to 611, she felt consoled and loved. She has been fully charged spiritually. She has realized that she can establish a Tree of Life church only after she pours out her heart to God more. I feel thankful to see her growth and self-reflection. She has been restored in the Conference and reconnected to God’s love.
On the last day of the Conference, I reminded the senior pastors in the Q&A session that their lives must live out the Tree of Life before they could plant Trees of Life. Since we are ONE Tree of Life, we should not be bound by traditions and social cultures. Instead, we should breakthrough all the boxes of secular cultural difference and walk on the Tree of Life way with one heart.
Dear brothers and sisters, we are still in Ascending 2023. Let’s keep beholding God’s work and follow Him closely. I believe that God will lead us on the way of planting Trees of Life everywhere very quickly and we will experience His faithfulness and promises.■【2023.11.12】