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Second-generation Christians Ascending in all aspects

Thank God for raising up the young generation so that there’s great hope in planting Trees of Life everywhere in 52 years. Among the youngsters, there are Secondgeneration Christians. They have changed from merely receiving religion from their parents to experiencing God for themselves. Now they are grateful for this, hence I believe that God will use them mightily.

Tim and Esther, our co-workers of the Youth Army, and my niece Christina, all remained in the same church for more than twenty years. They grew up at the Sunday School year after year and worshipped God with musical instruments — Tim with tuba, Esther with flute and Christina with clarinet. Outwardly, they lived a simple and godly life, but deep down they did not really believe in the Truth of Jesus.

Going to the Sunday school was merely a duty to them. In fact, they were suffocated by the law and rules. Being the senior pastor’s daughter, Esther was the focus of her peers. Her teenage rebellion was shown through her appearance, with exaggerated earrings coupled with tank tops. The unruly impression drew Tim and Christina, the suppressed “appeared-to-be-good” kids to be her friends as they envied the fact that she could be herself. Sometimes, they found church life a waste of time. However, there were times they yearned to draw close to God, but they felt stuck.

Then they all came to the 611 Tree of Life. Tim soaked himself in the Tree of Life community and has overcome homosexuality by faith. Now he is serving God with his wife. Esther is no longer rebellious and is serving God joyfully with her husband. Her father has witnessed her transformation and is deeply grateful to God. Christina is not the same either. She’s no longer reluctant to believe in God and is looking forward to upcoming miracles with excitement.

At the Resurrection Sunday Service, I preached on John 11:25-26, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.” Though Jesus was referring to Lazarus, He is also speaking to us. I was standing on the tomb onstage and told the congregation that the tomb was not our destiny. We will receive the miracle of resurrection and see God’s glory if we believe in Him. Surely we will not die and will enter eternity. Our lives have to be connected with the Truth to be filled with the power of resurrection. Second-generation Christians are no longer bearing heavy burdens as they have got connected with God. Instead, they have got a wonderful inheritance and have been elevated greatly. Undoubtedly, as they ascend, their potential is boundless.

Dear brothers and sisters, I’m glad that young people are experiencing God in greater depth. Let’s get connected with the Truth together and enter into the promise of Ascending 2023!■【2023.04.30】

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