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Play with our Being, a wonderful life

Usually, we are being good and obedient, surviving by working hard. But under the Tree of Life, with a vibe of joy, we are relaxed and returning to be a child of Heavenly Father. We live a happy life, and our ministry shall be more fruitful.

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Pura Vida still needs the Tree of Life
Costa Rica is an optimistic and simple country, and the greeting "Pura Vida" reminds each other to live a simple and happy life. Read more
The Tree of Life Set Sail in Central America
It all started with an invitation letter for the Tree of Life Family Delegation as they embarked on a journey to the distant and unfamiliar land of Costa Rica in Central America. Read more
Alternative Snack Lettuce Wraps
During a cell group meeting with Pastor Grace, her members brought a lot of potato chips. Read more