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New Jerusalem

The 4-day Pearl Conference ended with deep gratitude, praises and hopes. The second performance of “Pearl Dance” after Sukkot last year still stunned audiences by outstanding dance and songs. The last song was exceedingly impressive as the cross was placed high and centered on the Mercy Seat with lights shinning on it and dazzling pearls of different sizes surrounding it. In the meantime, with the singing of “Jerusalem, the Holy One of Israel”, I was awakened to the truth that “The New Jerusalem has come on earth”… “The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl.” (Revelation 21:21)

Since 2004, our church has resumed celebrating biblical feasts, from showing musical based on the book of Esther to “The Pearl Dance” today, while the team we head up has increased from 3 people to more than 180 people. In a blink of eye, 16 years have passed. “The Pearl Conference” welcomed overwhelming number of pastors and leaders from our daughter churches and fellow churches across the globe and filled up the Mercy Seat and 1/F main hall. How wonderful it was to look at our “spiritual children” around the world multiplying and bearing much fruits as Tree of Life and dazzling pearls.

Before the “Blessed Above All 3” conference and 15th Church Anniversary last year, C-Mo had a dream of “pearls being stolen”. Therefore, we displayed “Twelve Pearls” in the Asia World-Expo as an offering of thanksgiving to God for blessings He had bestowed on us, having another “Blessed Above All” conference in mind. Unexpectedly, we went past Eda Royal Theater during our staff retreat in Kaohsiung when C-Mo felt strongly prompted to present the “Pearl Dance” there, aiming to bring revival to Kaohsiung.

After some twists and turns, we finally decided to show the “Pearl Dance” in the Mercy Seat. Even though the preparation was not easy but dancers and singers made most effort to rehearse while co-workers tackled tedious works and had everything ready. Most important of all, the Holy Spirit gradually unfolded the theme, “Pearl” to us. Therefore, the speakers and the topics were still undergoing changes three days beforehand. In hindsight, every testifying pastor and leader were indeed insignificant sands turned into priceless pearls by God.•[2017.07.02]


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