Recently C-Mo and I have realized that the messages we shared with our disciples and co-workers were often twisted to something else in their hearts. It’s like we gave them an apple and it became a banana to them. When they passed it on to the co-workers and cell members under them, it became a lifeless marble. How could that happen?
Pastor Deborah has been with us since the establishment of our church. She admits that in the past, she used to receive our apple as a banana and then it became a marble after she passed it on. As she reflects on it, she can identify three reasons. First, she is biased. Before hearing the message, she already has her own emotions, thoughts and assumption, making her unable to listen with her heart, let alone digest it. Second, she does not believe it. No matter how hard we express our love for her, a drama always goes on in her head. She thinks that we look down on her and don’t love her. Hence when she passes on our message to other people, she makes them think that we are strict and unreasonable. Third, she is proud. She works hard to prove her worth through ministry and is anxious about her performance. When she passes on the reminders that we have given her out of love, they become requirements and restrictions to people under her and even oppressive rules and regulations.
I remember many years ago, we were going to have dinner with a speaker on a Monday. We invited Deborah to come and join us. We had never thought that our loving invitation turned into, “What?! How mean you are – exploiting my only day off of a week! Am I a courtesan that I should go and liven the atmosphere for you?” She totally distorted our intention. Thank God that now she has changed and knows that our decision is for her good. She understands our love.
In fact, the apple that we send out is God’s love – simple and pure. Due to different upbringing, past hurts and strongholds in mind, it gets twisted when different people hear it. When they pass it on to people under them, it gets further twisted. So the twist goes on and on. Take God’s Ten Commandments, for instance, God is expressing His love through them, because the law hangs on love. But today we interpret them as rules and regulations, deeming God as an oppressor.
Dear brothers and sisters, let us lay aside our doubts and get along with our authorities in love and trust. Let us also keep seeking God and reading His Word with a humble heart. In this way, we will receive God’s love more deeply at the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit in order to pass it on.■【2021.11.28】