耶穌看世界 #2 兒童權益
See the world with Jesus: Children’s rights

講題: 做在最小的身上,就是做在主身上
Topic: Do for one of the Least, Do for Jesus

經文Scripture:馬太福音 Matthew 25:31​-40, 5:7

一 服侍最小的,得著最大的【太25:31​-40】
Do for one of the least, take the most (Matthew 25:31​-40)

二 願去憐恤人,定必蒙憐恤【太5:7】
The merciful one will be shown mercy(Matthew 5:7)

【討論題目Questions for Discussion】

  1. 你曾經有幫助過兒童嗎?是分享經驗。
    Have you ever helped children? Share your experience?
  2. 你有沒有感動為分堂國家的兒童禱告?鼓勵你在小組可以分享感動。
    Do you have a burden to pray for the children from the countries of the branch churches? Share your burden with your cell group.