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Our Days Are in God’s Hand

Thank God that our days, whether good or bad, are in God’s hand. The eye of the Lord is on us. Do you still remember the first sermon of this year, “Seeing 2020”? He has already told us well ahead of time that even during the distress brought by the pandemic, the Lord sees us and answers us (Psalm 20:1).

Our heavenly Father often strengthens our faith by special days. Last Thursday, 23rd July marked the 37th Wedding Anniversary of C-Mo and I. It so happened that I was ordained as a pastor 25 years ago that day. On the same day two years ago, our church received the vision of “Planting Trees of Life Everywhere in 52 Years”! On 23rd July, 2018, when we were having the Cruise Carnival with brothers and sisters, we saw the concurrent appearance of the sunset and the rising moon. That very day was the 6th month and 11th day (611) of the lunar calendar…. All these coincidences, may it concern my personal marriage and ministry or the church’s vision and mission, are declaring that our days are in God’s hand as long as we follow Him in faith.

COVID-19 has been hitting the globe hard these days (with nearly 17 million confirmed cases over the world when I penned this), Hong Kong is currently under the threat of the third wave and our church has suspended the onsite service that had been resumed only for a short period. Lots of people and families are facing mounting pressure regarding health, economy and society. How should we follow God amid all these difficulties?

We should believe in God’s word and cling to what God has been doing in our individual lives and in us as a whole community, then our faith in following God will be boosted!

Malachi 4:6 tells us that if the hearts of the fathers shall be turned to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, the earth will be saved from God’s curse. From the pandemic, we see that God’s wrath is on the earth. “Believing in God’s word” means that if we as fathers love our biological and spiritual children, their hearts will turn to us. When the hearts of fathers and children turn to each other, God’s kindness and protection will be upon the whole earth. Just like what the Bible reading in the morning devotion told us a few days back, the effect of “being justified by faith” mentioned in Romans 5 will come to me and everyone who believes God throughout the whole earth. God’s wrath will be away from me, I am reconciled to God which means God’s peace comes to me and hence I may boast in God.

From my personal experience, 611 Church has been experiencing God’s continuous provision and protection for the past 19 years. The numerous coincidences mentioned above are all pointing to God’s plan from of old. All our ways ahead are in His hand. As I have shared before, on the 28th April this year, God visited my place in a shining cloud. All these encounters tell me, “Joshua and all church brothers and sisters, believe in God’s word and cling to all that you have experienced God throughout the years. You should have faith and follow God closely. In the days of trouble, the Holy Spirit will guide you. Don’t follow the lust of the flesh or the worldly thoughts. God is your ultimate help.”

Dear brothers and sisters, believe in God’s word and cling to what God has done in your life and follow Him. We will surely break through all difficulties and calamities and overcome the panic caused by the circumstances. We may boast in all adversities because He is the loving and faithful God.•[2020.08.02]

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