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Saturday 611 All Nations English worship service noteworthy events

Saturday 15 February saw people from the nations coming together to worship our Heavenly Father in one accord. It was another joyous and divine occasion.

Often, people tend to think that “unity” means conformity viz. everyone dressed the same, everyone doing the same thing, everyone speaking the same. True unity is experienced through diversity – of individuals celebrating and worshipping God, and expressing their love for Him, through their unique being.

One of the highlights of the service was the Valentine’s Day celebration, where husbands had the opportunity to express their love for their wives through song and dance. They dressed up and wore bowties. And after worship they stood on the stage, each holding a rose, and sang a love song together while gazing into the eyes of their beloved wives. At the end of the song they joined their wives for a dance in the open area in front of the stage. The ladies’ eyes sparkled with joy as their husbands sang to them, gave them roses, and embraced them for a few moments of deep romance.

Following the celebration, two of our wonderful men and husbands preached a very thought-provoking message about the “camel test” – found in Genesis 24. The context was about finding a wife for Isaac, son of Abraham. Please click on the link to listen

The whole congregation, younger and older, single and married, were able to glean from the message and apply to their own lives, thanks to these two great men for their informational and inspirational preaching.


Saturday 611 All Nations English worship service noteworthy events
Saturday 15 February saw people from the nations coming together to worship our Heavenly Father in one accord. It was another joyous and divine occasion. Read more
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On the 11th Feb, Michael Mason shared the latest news in South Africa and then prayed for them. It was a very special moment. Read more
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