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Michael Mason shared the latest news in South Africa and then prayed for them

ANEW team holds a prayer meeting 2-3pm at the Big Fish every Tuesday. On the 11th Feb, Michael Mason shared the latest news in South Africa and then prayed for them. It was a very special moment. Michael and Kerry Masons tell us how they felt:

ANEW 2pm Prayer meeting 11 February 2025. It was such a special moment for us to pray for our country. Although there are so many victories that have been won over the years post-apartheid. There is still racial discrimination, especially with the generation before Kerry and I. It’s a spirit of fear that caused the apartheid regime. It is the same spirit that Pharaoh was controlled by when he put the Israelites into slavery because they grew in number. So the white South Africans oppressed the black South African people. While praying together, our hearts broke for South African people and how they continue to suffer. We felt the ache in our hearts for our beloved country. While listening to all the prayers, it was as though we had South Africans praying for their own country in the room with us. Somehow it seemed that there was no nationality boundary, but a cry as one nation. While the prayers were being prayed including Richard and John’s prayer of repentance on behalf of the white and black people, we just sensed the presence of God come upon us so powerfully. Kerry prayed the prayer, “But God”… it is a call for South Africans to return. To repent, forgive and to allow God to restore what was to be a united nation. As we sensed the weight of God’s presence, Kerry had a vision of an angel standing over us with his hands on our shoulders. This we believe was God anointing us and sending us with His protection and angels to accomplish His purpose and will in South Africa. We were then to discover that Dinah was standing behind us in prayer as we felt her gentle touch on our backs. After the time of prayer… we felt shaken and speechless. It was a very special moment for us and so blessed that you are all part of the plan that God has for SA. That evening I went to Fortress Prayer. If you attended the meeting, Ps Joshua and Cmor presented the image of the blind marathon runner with the guide runner. At the end of the meeting, Ps Joshua then revealed that the blind man was from South Africa. I turned to my dad and Sharon and said that I could not take any more. God was making His will known to us. Thank you for opening your hearts for South Africa and praying as if it is your own nation. We are preparing for launch and ready to see our Nation restored and healed. Amen.


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Michael Mason shared the latest news in South Africa and then prayed for them
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