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From Effortless to Launch

After receiving the message “Launch 2025” last week, I looked back at the two conferences held at the end of last year and realized that God had led us to effortlessly launch the breath of the Tree of Life to the nations. Not only did we experience God’s great presence, but we also saw the flames of revival deepen and expand among different groups.

As we transition from the last week of 2024 into 2025, we first launched the Tree of Life to Taiwan, only to realize that it coincided with the 400th anniversary of the gospel reaching Taiwan. During the three-day conference, we witnessed the gathering of pastors from various branches across Taiwan in unity, sharing life in a genuine, transparent, and open manner. The deep group healing brought by the testimonies and dramas over two nights in Taipei 611 was the work of the Holy Spirit. As for the church, the preparation for this conference was more effortless than ever before, yet the results were tremendous. The brothers and sisters on site were excited, moved, and joyful. In the meantime, the pastors have also taken the breath of the Tree of Life back to their respective churches.

My disciple Jason recalled the establishment of our first branch in Taiwan, Shekinah 611, where God planted 611 over a decade ago. Though faced with numerous difficulties and obstacles, in this effortless year, it experienced a great breakthrough—it not only dedicated a new temple but also co-hosted the Tree of Life conference with the mother church, growing not only in maturity but also in capacity.

On the day the Taichung Tree of Life Family Conference concluded, the Rekindle the Bario Fire Youth Revival Conference in Kuching, Malaysia immediately took over, marking an unprecedented seven-day event that spanned from 2024 into 2025. In this meeting, the young people were very passionate, willing to put down their phones and fully engaged in seven days of worship. Many young people experienced deliverance during the healing session of their original families. They also actively participated in dancing, drama, painting and other prophetic services at the leading of the Holy Spirit, fully unleashing their Being. The people greatly experienced God and confessed their sins. They were also willing to dedicate their lives to Him.

On New Year’s Eve, my disciple Loretta prophesied at the Kuching conference. She saw a picture of us being launched like rockets in God’s will. At that moment, she did not know that I had received the “Launch 2025” message; God was using her to confirm His leading. When we flew back to Hong Kong from Taichung, we saw a huge mural at the airport depicting a lush Tree of Life with a river running through it, representing the river of life. We knew that God was confirming what we had received and done. I firmly believe that God will do even greater work this year.

Dear brothers and sisters, let us reverently follow God and prepare ourselves to be launched into His path. [2025.01.12]

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