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Be Still, God does mighty work

Looking back, 2024 has truly been an effortless year. Despite the turmoil the world is going through, our church is going to another peak amid the wave of revival. Effortlessly, we have started the Fortress Prayer meeting when we pray more. Moreover, we have visited a few countries in Central America, Africa and Europe. At the end of the year, we effortlessly hold two conferences back to back. Surprisingly, God gives us exceptionally lot of revelations and words when we are effortless. Men can’t do much, everything is the work of God.

Jason admits that he finds it hard to be effortless. However, he is greatly amazed by the work God is doing in the department he heads up. The Bible School has recruited record number of students, an explosive breakthrough. Furthermore, his department is holding a conference in Malaysia. It used to take a year to organize a conference. Nevertheless, the time for publicity and registration is very short this time. There is no particular hard work involved and yet the outcomes are even better. As he quotes from the book of Acts: when the Holy Spirit came, three thousand people turned to the Lord. As the Holy Spirit acts, things shall move swiftly.

Jason is very different now. He has started a new Tree of Life course in the Bible School, which brought transformation to his interaction with his parents. He used to agree with them on the surface but disagree deep down. Thankfully, he is totally loosen up and his life has changed greatly.

In regard to the Bible School, branch church pastors’ kids raised up last year. Now it is a turn for mother church co-workers’ children. Moreover, members of different skin colors from Africa and Central America are making their ways here as they have longing for Tree of Life. After receiving training visas, they move their whole family here to absorb the Tree of Life nutrients. Spanish shall be one of the languages we speak now.

In October, Debby visited Europe with us – a truly effortless journey for her. God led us to pray everyday and we received in the spirit the royal priesthood in a Swiss hotel. On our last day, we ran into the son of a co-worker whom we were prompted to call him to join the Bible School and he accepted the call. At the end, we even got on the plane, sitting next to each other flying back home. None of these can be the work of man.

Dear brothers and sisters, sometimes we can’t keep up with God because we cannot let go. God says that He will be exalted among the nations and He will be exalted in the earth! God is exalted to the highest through us! The world is still going through turmoil, yet our church is getting stronger and developing really fast. In all aspects, God is with us. When we are still, God does mighty work!■【2024.12.29】

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