Thank God for giving us new revelation in the morning devotion recently as we read Matthew. This has taken our understanding of Scripture to a higher level and deepened our knowledge of the Tree of Life, which excites me greatly.
Starting from the first chapter discussing the genealogy of Jesus, God reveals to us that Jesus is the King, born into the world to bring the Kingdom of Heaven. God’s work of redemption and grace has never ceased. Throughout the history of Israel, from Adam to Moses, to Israel, and then to David’s establishment of his kingdom, man has failed due to sin to fulfill God’s redemption. But then Christ came, continuing to unfold God’s redemptive plan and revealing His Kingdom. We, who are in Christ, are now following Jesus to manifest God’s Kingdom.
Typically, we read the Bible from a human perspective, considering moral ethics, character development, and what it means for our own lives and so on. While these aspects are important, reading Scripture from a human viewpoint can be quite limited. Now, God has brought a greater revelation to us, allowing us to see from His perspective, His intentions from creation to eternity, and the grand blueprint of the universe. Our vision is greatly enhanced, and the meaning of life as we receive from Him becomes deeper and broader.
When we read the Bible from God’s perspective, we begin to ask: What is God’s intention for the earth? Why did God create? Why did He say, “Let there be light,” on the first day? What is the difference between the light created on the first day and the great lights created on the fourth day? It turns out that in eternity, as mentioned in Revelation, there will be no more night, nor will there be the need for lamp or sunlight, because the Lord God will illuminate each of us with the light from the first day. We will reign for ever and ever.
From the Tree of Life vision I received six years ago, to this year following God’s guidance to Africa, Central America, and Europe, I have gradually understood that in eternity, God wants us to become the Tree of Life, to be a royal priesthood, leading all creation back to Him! We are indeed part of God’s Kingdom, carrying the influence of Heaven! With this new vision from God, we must ask Him what He wants us to do in response to the life, power, gifts, time, and resources He has given us. Only by continuously responding to God can we truly align ourselves with Him.
Dear brothers and sisters, I believe that in the New Year, God will continue to reveal to us, allowing our hearts to be renewed and transformed through His Word. Let us actively respond to Him so that His will may be accomplished!■【2024.12.22】