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Now is the Time for Youth Revival

Thank God! At the end of this year, we will gather young people from all nations to participate in the “Rekindle the Bario Fire” youth revival gathering in Kuching, Malaysia (December 26 – January 1). Young people from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Dubai, Africa, Central America, Japan, the United States, and other places will worship together and cry out for revival!

This gathering is out of the leading of God Himself and will reignite the revival fire of Bario, Malaysia, which began fifty years ago. We originally planned to hold a Tree of Life Conference in Taichung at the end of the year only, but due to the yearning and calls for revival from young people around the world, this international youth revival gathering has come to fruition.

After the 70th anniversary celebration of our Taipei mother church and my 70th birthday, we have received ongoing news of revival among young people from our branch churches. Since we sent a short-term mission team to Dubai 611 last year, the youth have been experiencing revival, with dozens of young people, including those from Arab countries, continuing to gather there. So they asked for support from us. Meanwhile in Malaysia, GA611 has been continuously ignited by the fire of worship and praise among the youth, and they are also planning to hold a music evangelism meeting abroad at the end of the year. Furthermore, due to a special event organized by the daughter of the initiator of the Bario revival, the youth at Kuching 611 have seen a surge of eighty young people joining the church in a short time. The youth have become fervent, initiating Bible reading and prayer before school, continuously crying out for the fire of revival.

We see this as the work of the Holy Spirit, and thus we have decided to gather young people from all nations to rekindle the fire of the Bario revival, allowing revival to burn across the land.

Now is the time for youth revival! Pastor Anton Cruz prophesied five years ago that we would have fasting and prayer for five years and after that, there would be ten thousand young people gathering to worship in Hong Kong. And we are now at the end of those five years. I recall in 2014, I ascended the mountain of Bario with my team, praying to receive the fire of revival. I remember before we took a small flight to Bario, God revealed to me the revival of the moving crescent moon when we were gathering at GA611 church. At that time, our church’s branches in Asia were distributed in a crescent shape. In my vision, I saw the crescent moon continuously rotating, soaring towards Jerusalem and even reaching the entire world. Then we prayed together on the mountain of Bario, experiencing God’s presence profoundly.

Now, at the end of 2024, fifty years after the Bario revival and ten years after our mountain prayer, I believe that God is not only leading the current revival but is also raising up a new generation to carry the fire of revival to their respective cities, with two generations planting the Trees of Life for God together.

Dear brothers and sisters, let us rekindle the Bario fire together, so that the entire Tree of Life family can be ignited by God, fulfilling the Tree of Life vision and bringing glory to God! Amen!■【2024.11.24】

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