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The Royal Priesthood

Thank God for continually leading us. Previously, during the 40-day Fasting and Prayer and the Day of Atonement, God helped us remove the yeast of the Pharisees. Now, after celebrating the birth of Christ during the Feast of Tabernacles, we are in a new preaching series.

During my trip to Costa Rica in August, I received a deeper revelation from the Holy Spirit – we are to become the Tree of Life because God has chosen and called us, His people, to be a royal priesthood, a holy nation, to serve in His presence day and night. We are to be God’s inheritance, glorifying Him. Our lives are essential for us to become the Tree of Life. Therefore, the upcoming preaching series will primarily focus on life.

In addition to removing the yeast of the Pharisees, we must embody the life of a royal priest, just like Christ is perfect. The book of Hebrews states that Christ is perfect, and it is fitting that He leads us into perfection (cf. Heb. 2:10). As priests, we are to follow Christ and lead all nations to follow Him. Thus, I will ask my co-worker speakers to preach about life and discipleship and on our eleven core values and express them through our perfect Jesus. Once they find out which scripture verses that they have received from God are the most touching, they can share them from their lives and discipleship perspectives, so that together we can be a royal priesthood, leading people to God.

In my life, I was born in a humble life, but God lifted me from the dust and the ash heap. After I came to faith at 20, I longed for God and desired to serve Him. Ultimately, God led me to become a pastor and I pastored a church upon graduating from the Regent College and then returned to Hong Kong to serve. God continually shapes my life; even in the twenty years before I believed Him, He was preparing my life, teaching me how to feel for others and understand their emotions. God has also given me a special gift to open His Word. He has prepared me to be a Tree of Life, guiding me to draw near to Him to receive His love and His Word, as well as His revelations and will. Now, our church has also become a Tree of Life, continually receiving God’s revelations for the past 23 years. God has not only prepared the lives of me and C-Mo, but also prepared everyone to follow Him together. I am very grateful for this and believe that in the coming 46 years, we will surely see the Trees of Life planted everywhere.

Dear brothers and sisters, God is leading us step by step to understand the message of the Tree of Life. Let’s align our lives more with Him and bring the whole creation back to Him to glorify Him!■【2024.11.10】

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