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ANEW: New Beginnings

What a great new beginning it was, indeed, I was both participant and observer of this amazing event. The ANEW team was abuzz with excitement and expectation as the time grew nearer, we decorated and prepared the venue with love and enthusiasm for this great moment in the life of ANEW grew closer.

As we gathered together as the ANEW serving team, the atmosphere was charged with excitement and joy. We all dressed in combinations of red, white and blue, a wonderful display of unity in color.

I was deeply moved by the love and co-operation as each member of our team throughout the day tirelessly and joyfully prepared the venue and huge bowls of fresh fruit were prepared for making self-help smoothies after the service.

A new day had come, a new season was upon us all, ANEW all English worship service was about to launch into this new time slot on Saturday evening. As 5:00pm approached, so people began to arrive, 61 in total. During our worship time, Pastor Joshua paid us a surprise visit. He came to pray for ANEW, to bless ANEW and to encourage us to embrace the vision as the Tree of life sprouts up among the nations. Wonderful worship, great testimonies, powerful preaching all made our first 5:00pm service memorable, inspiring and Holy Spirit-anointed.

At the Sunday 12:30 ANEW service, Pastor Deborah spoke a powerful and encouraging prophecy, which confirmed and affirmed this new season which 611 ANEW has embraced and entered into. ■【2024.09.15】