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A New Revelation on the Tree of Life

Thank God for leading us to Central America for the first time and giving us fresh revelations. There we had a very special experience, making us thrilled.

Amber from Costa Rica and her husband Aaron have joined 611 for three years. They attended ANEW worship services on Saturdays and Sundays as well as all the equipping courses. They have a very longing heart. We paid a visit to her hometown with her and got to know her sister Lety. They also brought along a group of longing family members and friends to pray and have morning devotion with us.

Their longings moved me deeply and brought down the presence of God. I felt the Holy Spirit working greatly in our midst. During morning devotion, people from Hong Kong, Singapore, South Africa, and Central America gathered together. Besides Chinese, we also conversed in English and Spanish, it was truly international. I am grateful that though we all met for the first time, we were like a big family already and were deeply connected with each other.

It was my first time doing Bible study during morning devotion and preaching in the local worship services in English. Since I couldn’t use Chinese, I relied entirely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. After I spoke in English, it was translated into Spanish. The Holy Spirit guided me to share the vision of the Tree of Life, starting with how we received the name 611, and then how God led 611, followed by how we received the Tree of Life, and how the numerical value of TORAH is 611, among other things. We then shared the planting of the Trees of Life and how the church has come to this stage in its more than twenty-year history, and how we look at the Tree of Life vision now. Throughout the whole process I was very happy because I knew it was not out of me but all guided by God.

As the Holy Spirit guided me to share the vision of the Tree of Life, He also gave me new revelations during morning devotion. When we studied Ephesians, as I pondered how “we……might be for the praise of His glory” (cf. Eph 1:12), the Holy Spirit reminded me of God calling His people to be a kingdom of priests, a holy nation in Exodus (cf. Ex 19:5-6), and the mention of the Kingdom of Heaven by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, linking it to our Isaiah 61:1 vision, and the Tree of Life in Revelation. Suddenly, everything became clear to me, and the entire Bible felt interconnected. As we walked in God’s will to come to Central America, God truly spoke to us!

After returning to Hong Kong, I immediately preached in the main service, releasing God’s latest revelation: “Become the Tree of Life and Fill the Earth.” It is indeed God’s heart to plant the Trees of Life everywhere. Let’s all to respond to His call and partake in this vision, so that God’s glory may be praised!

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