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The Tree of Life Reaches Central America

In early August, a team of ten of us traveled to Costa Rica in Central America and we once again experienced the wonderful works of God.

The trip took us thirteen days. As we needed to transit via other countries, we spent over thirty hours on planes and arrived at the airport in San Jos矇 three days later. The return trip was similarly long and arduous. Why did we still pay such a high price to go?

The story began with a couple who have been attending our church for three years. The husband, Aaron, is a Chinese born in Central America while his wife, Maria Amber, is from Costa Rica. Maria Amber’s elder sister, Lety, and her husband, Horatio, visited Hong Kong for six weeks and attended our church gatherings. One of the services they attended happened to be our church? anniversary and they were deeply drawn to the Tree of Life. After returning to their home country, they wrote us a very touching invitation letter, expressing their desperate need for the Tree of Life there. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, we went in response to the invitation.

In Costa Rica, we had wonderful connections with Maria Amber and Lety as well as their relatives and friends, and visited a local church. During the worship service, I shared the vision of the Tree of Life and proclaimed that the Tree of Life would be planted there to give life to local people. If a church had just the outlook but had no life inside, Christians would hardly survive. Then how can they witness to the Lord? Thank God that the congregation was moved by God’s words and I believe that the saplings of the Tree of Life will surely spring forth from there.

In addition to the Amber and Lety couple, God has also attracted a couple led to Christ by Lety: Paul and Joselyn, to come to us. After praying, we called them and, praise the Lord, their response was very quick; they will come to Hong Kong to study in our Bible School in the coming January! Meanwhile, the relatives and friends of Amber and Lety have begun to meet in a small Tree of Life group in their home town.

God’s leading is truly amazing. In “Effortless 2024”, He led us to South Africa and Rwanda, which is in Central Africa in early March. Five months later, He brought us to this Central American country that connects North America and South America. On the way of planting the Tree of Life, one gate after another is being opened, and God is taking us to the nations! Dear brothers and sisters, God’s work is accelerating and let us run quickly to keep up!■【2024.09.01】

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